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One day Intensive Photography Course

— 2nd August 2023

Photography is an art that requires both technical skill and a creative eye. At DSLR Photography Courses, we believe in nurturing both these aspects in our students. Our One Day Intensive Photography Course is designed to do just that.

Today, we had a fantastic group of students join us for this course, led by our talented tutor, Giorgia. The day was filled with learning, laughter, and lots of beautiful photographs.

The course started with a comprehensive introduction to the technical aspects of photography. Giorgia, with her extensive knowledge and experience, guided the students through the intricate details of their cameras. From understanding the different modes to mastering the art of exposure, the students were immersed in a world of new knowledge.

But the learning didn’t stop at the technicalities. Giorgia also shared her insights into the creative side of photography. She discussed composition, lighting, and how to capture the perfect shot. The students were encouraged to experiment and explore their creativity, resulting in some truly stunning photographs.

The highlight of the day was undoubtedly the practical session. Our students had the opportunity to put their newfound skills to the test, capturing the beauty of London through their lenses. Giorgia was there every step of the way, providing guidance and feedback.

The feedback from our students was overwhelmingly positive. They appreciated Giorgia’s patience, expertise, and hands-on approach to the course. Many of them left feeling like their photography skills had moved up a level.

We believe that the best way to learn photography is by doing it, and our One Day Intensive Photography Course provides the perfect opportunity to do just that. Whether you’re a complete beginner or looking to refresh your skills, this course has something to offer.

We’re already looking forward to our next session. If you’re interested in joining us, you can find more information and book your spot on our website:

Until then, keep clicking and keep exploring!

Reviews from the students

The university I work for has recently bought a camera to capture research and events. I will be using the camera.

Therefore, I was looking for a beginner’s course on Google and am very glad I did.

The course gave me the ability to start understanding the camera. The practical exercises throughout the day made the experience great.

The expectations were met, and I would recommend the course to anyone!

Carwyn – Nikon Z6 II

Extremely well-paced and informative.

I would recommend it to anyone looking to start learning photography.

The course was a gift from my Mum to do.

The basics are fully covered, and a great place to start.

Practical exercises were good and valuable for what we were learning.

I had high expectations, and the were fully met!

Alasdair – Canon 750D

I just bought/gifted a camera and wanted to know how to use it.

I wanted to know all the basics behind taking photos and cameras.

I very much enjoyed practical exercises.

Yes, my expectations were fully met!

Yes, I would recommend the course!

Fergus – Canon 250D

I wanted to learn about my camera and how to be relaxed while using it.

The course was incredibly informative, giving enough background to help understand why specific settings were needed.

The practical exercises were perfect.

My expectations for the course were met, and I will certainly recommend it.

Sophie – Canon G7X

I just bought a camera and didn’t know how to use it off auto.

I decided that the course was the best way to get started!

I learnt about the camera settings and how to use them together for different effects.

This course was exacly what I needed, and this class met all my expectations.

It was great to be able to practice along the way.

Jo – Sony 6100

creative exercise - AF-S focusing - photography course in London
creative exercise - focusing on figures - photography course
students on a photography course
students on a photography course
students on a photography course
students on a photography course
Roland Pokrywka

Professional photographer passionate about capturing the beauty of nature, landscapes, and travel —