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Hi Everyone, a big thank you for submitting your pictures to our Abstract Photography competition!

We’ve received a great variety of images. The winning shot was awarded to David Seale. Congratulations!!!

David Seale –

The title I gave to the photograph is “When Worlds Collide”, because to me, the spheres look like planets.

The image is made from cooking oil on water. The water is in a glass bowl and the bowl is on a glass table. The colour was provided by random coloured materials (magazines, CD covers, whatever came to hand), under the glass shelf.

Settings: Camera: Canon 6D; Lens: EF100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM; Aperture: f/2.8; Shutter: 1/60 – 1/250; Flash: fired; ISO: 250

David Seale abstract photography competition winner

Runner-ups and selected pictures from all submitted

Mark Rennison
Mark Rennison

Brian Clifford
Clifford Brian

Karen Brickley
Karen Brickley

Maggi Marmion

Jensen Khan
Jensen Khan

Pete Johnson
Pete Johnson

Alan Cartwright
Alan Cartwright

Congratulations to all who submitted their entries!

It is really important to go out and practice. Our photography courses can give you all the technical knowledge but by far the best way to improve – is to practice!

For inspiration and to assist your further learning, we highly recommend these books:

The Photographer’s Eye by Michael Freeman –
The Photographer Eye

Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson –


Roland Pokrywka

Professional photographer passionate about capturing the beauty of nature, landscapes, and travel —